Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Ahhhhhh 2011.
Wow, really? Where did the past year go?
I'm not one to make resolutions with any staying power, so I think I'll just forget them this year and consider it a small victory. What I will do though is do a complete makeover this year. There are things that I would like to change around in life that I just need to do. From feeling better about myself, to focusing more on renovating our house, to saving better, etc. We want to get out of this house that we have outgrown, and the only way to do that is to continue to renovate until the housing market gets a bit better. And in order to do that, I need to put myself on a spending freeze for at least the next month or so. Nothing. Nadda. Nelch. We need no more clothes in this house, and I HAVE to stop buying. Is it sad that I just went through Livi's clothes alone and packed up the equivalent of 7 garbage bags full of fall stuff that she outgrew already?? Now is it more sad that probably 1/3 of that stuff still has tags on it???? Wow. Just wow. So I promised Mike no more for the next 2 months. Well, not including the pretty big (ok, insanely big) Mini Boden spring preview order that will be coming through. But I don't feel like that counts since I *did* order it a few months ago. :)
We are finally installing our new, GORGEOUS doors in the bedrooms, going upstairs, and the bathroom, and might I add that they are PERFECT! Now I just need to find new knobs. :) I want black. Think I can find any anywhere?? Well, let me rephrase that....think I can find any that are not incredibly overpriced?? No sir-re Bob! So now I'm some that aren't going to cost 300$ for 4 knobs, or spend nothing and keep the darker silver type ones. (not sure of the name....) Ugh. It's times like this I really wish I knew anything at all about decorating. Blah.

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